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Use your storytelling to earn money for school

January 18, 2017

Do you have a talent for storytelling? Put that talent to good use to get published and earn money for educational expenses.

The Department of English is accepting literary fiction submissions through Feb. 1 as part of the Mike and Anne Malone Award for Short Fiction competition. The competition reflects the living legacy of a long-time NIU employee. For more than 31 years, Mike Malone crafted and shared NIU’s story through his work in Publications and University Advancement until his retirement in 2015.

The Malone Award is open to all full-time NIU undergraduates in good academic standing. The winning entry will receive $1,000 and the opportunity to be published in Towers, NIU’s literary magazine.

Entries must be submitted in hard copy and be no longer than 15 double-spaced, typed pages. All entries must be made by blind submission with a cover sheet that includes the author’s name, ZID number and contact information. Each page should include a header with ZID number. Submissions should be delivered to Jodi Long, Undergraduate Studies in English, Reavis 214.

Submissions will be evaluated on originality, style and emotional impact. For more information about the competition and entry requirements, email