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2022 NIU Wildlife Calendar for sale, benefitting the Friends of the NIU Libraries

December 15, 2021

For many of us, one of the rare silver linings of the pandemic has been seeing the wildlife around NIU’s campus and the Kishwaukee river through new eyes.

Professor Michael Day from the Department of English and Director of First Year Composition has used his photographic skills to capture the rare beauty of campus flora and fauna throughout the seasons. His 2022 calendar, Along the Prairie Path, includes 13 phenomenal photos from Michael that the libraries hope will inspire more meandering walks along the paths around campus, the lagoons and the Kishwaukee River. Calendars may be purchased through Michael’s website , and all proceeds are being donated to the Friends of the NIU Libraries.

The Friends of the NIU Libraries support the programming, collections and services of the NIU Libraries. More information about the Friends of the NIU Libraries can be found at by visiting the University Libraries website.