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Tag: Graduate School
U.S. News & World Report has named NIU’s Master of Public Administration (MPA) program fourth in the nation in the specialty field of local government management. NIU’s perennially ranked MPA program—which produces about one-third of city managers in Illinois—is the top-ranked local government program among public and private university programs in Illinois. Additionally, NIU’s MPA program ranked 11th...
Jessica Prothe is determined to use her personal experience to drive meaningful change. A nurse with over a decade of experience, Prothe was working in medical-surgical units, pediatric wards and on the front lines providing direct patient care. But after she had elective surgery, her health changed to the extent that working as a nurse...
The Graduate School will celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of NIU’s graduate students on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. These students were nominated for recognition by their academic departments, are fellowship recipients, or are dissertation and thesis prize winners.  Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistants will be recognized by the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning. The following are recipients...
Congratulations to NIU’s 2024 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award winners! This award, presented by the Center of Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL), recognizes outstanding graduate teaching assistants for their impactful contributions to NIU’s teaching mission. “Our graduate teaching assistants are critical members of our teaching staff here at NIU,” said Stephanie Richter, director of Teaching...
Graduate students are an important part of the Huskie family. NIU offers over 80 graduate programs including master’s, doctoral, certificate and dual degrees to almost 4,000 graduate students from around the world. As part of NIU’s university goals to support and enhance the academic and career aspirations of graduate students, NIU’s Graduate School is providing opportunities...
Spencer Kelham, an NIU physics graduate student, has received a prestigious graduate student research award from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science. The highly competitive award is given to students who have the potential to make important contributions to the mission of the DOE Office of Science. A 31-year-old native of Waterloo, Indiana, Kelham...
NIU Doctor of Audiology students took part in the eighth annual Clinical Rounds Poster Presentations event on Nov. 21 held at the Wellness and Literacy Center. Each year during their final on-campus fall semester, members of the cohort of audiology students choose a clinical case, read relevant research and present their findings to peers and...
The NIU School of Nursing hosted its inaugural Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Immersion Day in September, bringing together more than 25 current DNP students. Dr. Katherine Coulter “The event allowed DNP students to collaborate with professionals from the DNP faculty as well as  other disciplines within the university,” said Katherine Coulter, assistant professor and...
Blindness and visual disabilities do not discriminate. Anyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or creed, can face a lifetime of limited vision or no sight at all. For some, it begins at birth. For others, it can come with age, disease or accident. No one is immune. Members of that population have for...
NIU has hired its first executive director of graduate enrollment. Janelle M. Laudick, Ed.D. will support enrollment initiatives by developing and implementing a goal-focused and results-driven graduate enrollment management plan designed to meet NIU’s graduate enrollment targets related to quantity, quality and diversity. Laudick came to DeKalb in June from the University of Nebraska at...
Jessica Reyman’s preparation to become associate dean of the NIU Graduate School seemingly began the moment she set foot on campus in 2006. A professor of English for the past 16 years, Reyman has served as director of graduate studies and job placement coordinator in her department. She’s also served as director of the NIU-STC...
As the new dean of the Graduate School and associate vice president for International Affairs, Kerry Wilks brings to campus a world of experience as a university educator, administrator, global recruiter and volunteer. But it’s the passion for her work that’s made her successful and stands out most. As a teenager, Wilks fell in love...
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